Shadow Work Library

Words: Wizard-level Spell Casting from a Self-identified Redneck

Episode Summary

Mark England is on a mission to unlock the breath of humanity by making the victim mentality as cool as littering. This is a weird, somewhat irreverent conversation between this old friend and I about the power of words and the stories we tell ourselves. What I love about Mark's Enlifted system is that is actually a fairly simple mechanism of doing shadow work. As you probably know, shadow work can be a challenge. There's a lot of contemplation, micromovements, and subtle hints of growth and expansion that escape the brew of the underworld. So it's really exciting to come across a tool that honestly doesn't take much to implement to see immediate change. It takes practice and curiosity, but a faily simple change to the way you speak to others and to yourself can change the way you do life. Enjoy the show! Resources mentioned: - Enlifted Certification: - Enlifted App: Connect with me: INSTAGRAM - @jessicadepatie_ // EMAIL: WEBSITE: LOVE THE SHOW? Then youʻll really love: - Dark Night of Our Soul: - this is a documentary I'm producing that's a culmination of all of the shadow work-like practices I've learned through the world's leading experts in all things growth and evolution related. Other ways to support: SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE SPOTIFY/APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> :) SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, pets…