Shadow Work Library

Intuition: The Science and Spirit of What We Don't Know

Episode Summary

Are you ready to discover your inner technology? Did you know there are actually physiological reasons why you’re having a hard time tapping into your inner knowing? For the longest time, I thought it was because I wasn’t “spiritual enough”. I’m SO excited to share this information with you. I'm on Youtube! Check out the Shadow Work Library Channel: ---- Connect with me: INSTAGRAM - @jessicadepatie_ // EMAIL: WEBSITE: LOVE THE SHOW? Then youʻll really love: - Dark Night of Our Soul: - this is a documentary I'm producing that's a culmination of all of the shadow work-like practices I've learned through the world's leading experts in all things growth and evolution related. Other ways to support: SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE SPOTIFY/APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> :) SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, pets…