Shadow Work Library

Reactionary to Revolutionary

Episode Summary

Shadow: Reaction How this shadow shows up: Inert (complete emotional shut-down) and/or reaction (rejecting before being rejected). The Shadow Work Library is inspired by the Gene Keys: Get the book here I'm on Youtube! Check out the Shadow Work Library Channel: - - - I lied... in this show, I said I'd put the entire Consideration Exchange from Bryan Franklin and Jennifer Russell in the show notes. And then I realized, I don't have the copyright to do that! Silly me. I think the summary in the show does a good enough job in explaining it, but if you'd like the entire thing, you might be able to find it somewhere on their website: In this first submission in the Shadow Work Library: 01:11 - What are the origins of REACTION? Where does it come from? 05:23 - How can you recognize REACTION in your life? 07:08 - The blame version of REACTION is REACTING (rejection of the other before you feel rejection) 08:28 - The shame version of REACTION is being INERT (shutting down emotionally) 09:24 - What do you do about REACTION? 13:11 - How does REACTION become a strength? - - - Connect with me: INSTAGRAM - @jessicadepatie_ // EMAIL: WEBSITE: LOVE THE SHOW? -Then youʻll really love: - Dark Night of Our Soul: - this is a documentary I'm producing that's a culmination of all of the shadow work-like practices I've learned through the world's leading experts in all things growth and evolution related. Other ways to support: SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> :) SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, pets…